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Different Treatments To Choose From
Days Until Game Changing Relief
% Muscle Relaxation Guranteed

IV Therapy

Discover how IV Therapy can replenish your health and boost your vitality, with our targeted treatments customized for your unique needs. Watch our introductory video to learn more about the process and what to expect.

Explore Your Options!

The Allergy IV

Combat seasonal and perennial allergies with our Allergy IV therapy, which is designed to mitigate allergic responses and boost your body’s resilience.

The Athletic Recovery IV

Enhance your athletic performance and speed up recovery with our Athlete IV, packed with nutrients and supplements essential for muscle repair and recovery.

The Brain IV

Support your cognitive function and mental clarity with our Brain IV, which is designed to enhance neural communication and protect against neurodegeneration.

The Hangover IV

Replenish your body and ease hangover symptoms with our Hangover IV, which quickly rehydrates and detoxifies your system.

High Dose Vitamin C

Boost your immune system and cellular health with our High Dose Vitamin C IV, which is designed to protect against disease and promote overall wellness.

The Immune Boost + IV

Supercharge your immune system with our Immune Boost IV, packed with vital nutrients to protect against disease and illness.

The Myers Cocktail IV

Experience overall wellness with our Myers’ Cocktail IV, a multivitamin infusion that supports immune health, reduces fatigue, and helps in managing a variety of chronic conditions.

The NAD + IV

Revitalize your cells with our NAD+ IV, a therapy designed to slow the aging process, boost brain health, and enhance energy metabolism.

The Viral/Covid Recovery IV

Strengthen your defenses against viruses, including COVID-19, with our Viral COVID IV therapy, formulated to boost your immune system and enhance disease resistance.